
The Pawn Endings-3: Typical Pawn Structures: Connected Passed Pawns

We have already learnt that the pawn protected by the second pawn which is also a passed pawn is called \’Connected Passed Pawn\’. Here we can see example of Connected Passed Pawns. Lets see this example, black has an unstoppable queening but white has connected passed pawns stopped by the black king. White to play:

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The Pawn Endings-3: Typical Pawn Structures: Protected Passed Pawn

Pawn Structures: 1. Protected Passed Pawn, 2. Connected Passed Pawn and 3.Outside Passed Pawn Today I\’m going to share about the different types of pawn structures in pawn endings. What is a Passed Pawn? A pawn that can\’t be hindered by an opponent\’s pawn on its way to the promotion square is called a \’Passed

The Pawn Endings-3: Typical Pawn Structures: Protected Passed Pawn Read More »

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